Thursday, October 8, 2009

Taste Tester

So I know what you're thinking, what is this post about especially if it has the title: Taste Tester. Well of course, it's about being a taste tester. I got to have that experience today. Apparently my sister filled out a survey and became a taste tester for a bottle of soda that was orange. I was very suspicious of it all, especially the special box it was in. I didn't really care, I gotta be a taste tester for a day, I wouldn't say no to that...if only I got paid for it (when I grow up I wanna be a taste tester haha; I'm gonna be successful huh).

As you can see, it was in a small cardboard box with that weird white packaging thing...what are those things even called? Anyways, she said I could try some of it, and it was pretty good. I'll tell you though, I'M AMAZED that the drink IS doesn't seem like it's healthy especially if you take a look at the bottle.
The only thing you guys can read off the label is Ingredient Statement & (one ingredient I can show) NATURAL INGREDIENTS lol.The second pic is the paper that came with the explained about the new product (that's not even stores) & I must keep the words on that page a secret as well. Hmm, well I don't think it's wrong to show you what it says but I wanna be a bum and just keep that info to myself :]
Yup, you'll see I'm that jerk that will purposely go in public and whip out that new shhh while you gotta wait months to buy it in stores, ahaa.
- Lizi :]

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