- Duckie & 13 blog was created
- Perfect Chemistry was created
- # 13 came to life (although we can't see him)
- MANY levels were achieved on a game (...on a calculator)
- ADOPT A KANYE ! awareness started but never really continued
- Interesting nicknames were made: Bigfoot (haha), Shaq, Selena, Lucy Lu, small lady, Air
- "Hello, welcome to breezy legs"
- 741 & 742 voted
- no lock downs ! (unlike last year)
- attack of the squirrels (at the park) was seen (lol)
- cake at the movies
- throwing popcorn at people
- "I want a Yugo!"
- story of Shamu
- quince xD
- blue & pink rings :] (they were copycats lol)
- MANY relations to the bible were made in history class (-many irrelevant things were also mentioned in that class)
- "don't be sorry, just be silent" mentioned in history (and mainly towards Sarah)
- "Oh Mr. Nolan your dressed up today" ... "He's wearing a sweater Sarah"
- I HEART STEPHEN sign was made
- "your so late, your early to your next class"
- senior prank of gluing locks was done
- new math was invented [ex. 1 + 1 = window]
- competitions (if you wanna call it that) between J.Deane & Stephen were made to see who a 7 year old likes as her friend
- a 10 year old's (that's how old i think he is) phone number was given to a girl in a limo who has a BOYFRIEND (cough cough niejel)
- one GOOD game of pictionary was played
- a valentine's day gift was given to the wrong person (she has no friends to get a gift anyways)
- swine flu
- a future MULTI-TALENTED (female Asian) president in the works :]
- fruit snacks & squished (most of the time) sandwiches were the way to go !
- somebody knows how to do black peoples voice (lmfao)
- two 15 year olds, one 17 & one 18 year old went to the big apple circus :]
- "i heart you too!" (mouthed not said out loud)
- "what time is it? ... IT'S HELLO KITTY TIME ! "
- the hobo living in her trumpet case
- the accomplishment of having the biggest boobs in study was made (lmao)
- "we have to get Ms. Bridges pregnant" (...we all look at Matt)
- Gio's fight
- many insults were made, few were really remembered ("it's alright, we're not gonna judge you on your size, no matter how small it is")
- multiple rapes in bio class [mostly Niejel & Mikerlyne]
- mrs. macisaac ditches us 2weeks before finals [personal issues...my ass]
- "cut the shit you white piece of trash" - Kerrigan
- 1st trip to hollister was made (happy birthday :] !)
- "nice doing business with you" (walks away with briefcase)
- S - C - A- N - D to the A to the L - O - U - S
- camping out at Suzana's house ------> ninja invasion
- out future wet t-shirt contest (who has the best bra lmao)
- mental breakdown (due to a 4 year old)
- game of who would kill, fuck, or marry was played
- [insert name here] [insert name here] [insert name here]
KILL KILL KILL - Alex, Brittany & Paco :]
- thuy's birthday at the park
- ideas for our senior prank were thought of
- shining jewelry in the sun during gym class
- teaching a white person how to dance (uhm, yeah..that worked well)
- inauguration [OBAMA !!!!!]
- "your number 9 on my list"
- "what should we get you for your birthday thuy?" (thuy): "i don't know, i gave you a bunch of ideas"
- Mr. Lane wearing the chicken suit !
- "you're always the hot guy in the relationship"
- "Chavella...can i lick you?"
- OH's & HO's
- 80's guy at Forest Hills
- "you broke my heart" (snow heart)
- adventures with animal crackers
- "Alex" getting a grease stain (no, not from tacos..from pizza lol)
- "yeah we gave you a shout out on the 10 o'clock news"
- "so today Bert -" (other person): "so where's Ernie?"
- Kyle ALWAYS talking to my mom (bleh)
- a Johnny Cupcakes fanatic was born
- "i need a drink"...where's my bus pass"... "I'm thirsty"
- "yo baby i love you, i got plastic food wrap"
- "BAM! Pupils"
- "i named my fish Cornelius...i think it's a guy...crap, i forgot to feed him this morning"
- nine2*
- "she looks like an Indian emperor"
- "I'm Hispanic and when Suzana told me that there was a rich white bitch who fell in love with a mexican gangbanger, that Mexican gangbanger REALLY fits my description"
- "this is Alex...and this is Alex."
- Cheesecake Factory :] (ah, good times)
- "nah, i was checking to see how good of a thief i was"
- Tuesday studies with J.Deane & Stephen
- herpes stuffed animal thing "no here, have some herpes"
- JENGA ! (lol)
- thuy's transformer out of jenga pieces
- thuy's obsession of making hearts [ex. snow heart, paper heart, jenga heart]
- "these little piggies."
- "if she had a huge bow, a hello kitty bag and a huge lollipop she would really look like a little kid"
- plans of going to the zoo, aquarium, see up & transformers, go out to eat (in just one week) sadly..never happened was talked about a lot
- "wait, you can't have a masquerade! ... what if Robert's the guy i start hanging out with at the party and i cant tell its him cause the mask and i start liking him!!!!!! ....eww"
- we discovered who the gamers are (lol)
- (Barbara): i love your shirt Elizabeth, the person who got you that has great style" (talking about herself)
- (J.Deane): "i could have recorded your party for you with my phone" (lmao)
- Dancing to the song DIVA by Beyonce (cough cough..you know who you are)
- STEPHEN ADDICTED TO GRINDING (...he was grinding at my party for the second dance...LMFAO good times)
no longer a freshman :]
- Lizi
- Lizi
numbers 2, 20, and 52 are the best on the list.... in my opinion!!
thats all i had to say
i'm out;; silly suzy xD
hahas theres alot of things u put o there that i didnt even remember. lolol for me think that numero tres is the best.