Idk but the other day the random thought of WALDO came to mind. You know Waldo!
Guy with brown hair, jeans, white & red striped hat and shirt and occasionally carries around a cane and/or backpack like all over the world. YEAH, that Waldo.
Its funny how wherever Waldo goes, there are always some look alikes and some people who happen to wear red and white stripes to throw you off your game of finding him, those mofos, haha.
Waldo's been all over the world and back, I think he has yet to get lost in the hood and for you to find him, but now that I think about it....that wouldn't be that hard to look for him...that outfit in the hood would be noticable from a mile away.
Still working on finding Waldo...can you find him?

where in the world is
-Perfect Chemistry