Friday, November 27, 2009

We Got SPIRIT, Yes We Do!!

Alright so Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving) is known as Spirit Day in the Latin Academy community. And to show our school spirit we wear the school colors (black and gold) and take part in Prep Rallies. This year was very interesting to say the least, the day was packed with hyped up mascots, cheerleaders, step squads and all the sports teams and large clubs know to BLA. And as usual the stands we're filled with CRAZY HIGH SCHOOL KIDS.

above you can see some of the things i mentioned above. And like every year after the prep rally we go back to our homeroom and go crazy (to say the least). It's all so much fun!!!

Since we get out early that day we ofter hang out afterward with a group of friends. This year Lizi, Duckie, and I went out to eat and ironically enough our server was someone we "met" this summer (and he smelled good.. LOL) We had some rlly good food too. Then we went to Fanuel Hall and tried to figure out want we were gonna buy each other for Christmas, you would believe what we found. LMFAO I guess you can say we had a good time... but that would be an under statement.

that's all for now,

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy It's Not A Boy Anniversary

Have you ever got rewarded for getting good grades. I mean sure your parents might give you a few dollars but have you ever got anything from a friend. Well last week Lizi and I got our report cards and we made a bet [gasp] If she got decent grades i would get her a balloon. Little did she know what i had in store for her !!!!

Yes; that's right i went there. She only asked for 1 balloon but I got her 3. balloon #1 said: Congratulations; balloon #2 said: Happy Anniversary and balloon #3 said: It's NOT a Boy! LOL everyone had a good laugh.But some couldn't take a joke and started saying there was a pregnant sophomore sooo we put that balloon away! But other than that we had a good time.
(there was a pic of me being surprised,
but i didn't like it so i told suzana
and now u guys can no longer see it.
aww, disappointment lol.)
- lizi

well that's all 4 now,